OMG, so today after we get home from work my hubby tells me that someone at his work asked if I could make them few cards for Kwanzaa. I'm like "sure, would love to" and here is how our conversation went from there:
hub: oh yes, they need 6
me: no problem
hub: and tomorrow is my last day before the break, so I would love to take it to them tomorrow
me: hmmm, I'll work on it
hub: and they love angels, so it needs to have angels ...
So what's the girl to do? I went to work on my Kwanzaa cards. To be totally honest I didn't know the symbols and colors (shame on me) until tonight, so once again my friend google helped me out :) I learned a lot including the fact that the colors of Kwanzaa are: black, red and green (and they each represent something).
So here is what I came up with....

Since they needed 6, I thought I would made 3 in red and 3 in green

The original image of this angel had something different in hand, but I altered the image and made it into a black candle (traditionally black candle is lit first). I know the card it's simple (but with the time crunch it had to be), but it has lots of sparkle, texture and a surprise inside....

yes, I made a little pop-up. I colored these candles with glitter pen for more shimmer and added gold glitter for the candle light.

I also made a little box for the cards, but totally didn't take a picture of it...
Ok, off I go to bed :) Good night!
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